On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 05:03:07PM -0600, Tom C wrote:
> So basically if Pentax comes out with a 10MP APS-C DSLR as their flagship 
> they will be saying in the eyes of most of the world, "we are not even 
> attempting to stay up with our competitors when it comes to non-MF DSLR's".
> It may be a good camera, it may produce excellent results, but in the eyes 
> of comparison shoppers and in the eyes of professionals who buy their 
> equipment to make a living, it will be lacking.

The competition will be the Nikon D200 and the followon to the Canon 20D.
A 10MP camera with an APS-C sensor will play just fine in that segment.
Pentax don't even suggest that the *ist-D cameras are intended for the
professional user; their target purchaser is the advanced prosumer at
the high end of their range, and the novice first-time DSLR owner at
the low end.

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