I think the 1.5 crop is here to stay forever, from both Pentax and Nikon. I also think we'll see more than a smattering of D lenses.
On Sep 30, 2005, at 4:03 AM, Cotty wrote:

Excuse me for being a complete dolt here. But can someone tell me what the point of an APS-C sensor DSLR at 16 or even 12 MP is? Sincerely, I
fail to see it.

If they're going to cram 16 MP onto a chip that size, why not just make a
24x36mm sensor?

The cost of silicon per area.


Yes but I don't understand - why continue to try and get the best out of a smaller sensor? Surely the aspiration of all SLR camera makers who have
ventured into digital, is to produce a DSLR that captures the full 35mm
frame? Anything else is surely too complicated for most people to
understand WRT smaller chips mean that lenses don't work quite the same
way as before etc etc. Or is the 1.5 crop here to stay forever, as a sort
of 'new format' along with a smattering of 'D' lenses?



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