Hi MZ-S fans
Yesterday's Amateur Photographer magazine contained an ill-informed review
of the MZ-S, in which almost all of the reviewer's complaints could be
attributed to having not read the manual properly, or having not taken the
trouble to learn how to use the camera.

For example:
He complained that moving from manual to shutter priority was difficult and
cumbersome, complaining that there seemed not to be enough controls on the
body to do this, then going on to say that you had to move the aperture ring
to the "A" setting (sounds easy enough to me).

He also complained that he had to change the ISO setting for each of the ten
rolls of Elite Chrome EC100 that he rated at ISO400, before going on to say
that the auto-DX speed setting can be permanently over-ridden using one of
the Pentax functions.

In the handling section of the review, no mention was made of the quality of
construction and materials, and the improvement in handling this imparts.
This was left to the very end of the review, where it was noted very
succinctly that construction was "better than average".

The advance rate, and the rewinding speed, were heavily criticised.

All in all this was not a favourable review, I am sure that Pentax will be
disappointed by this review, as my experience of trying the MZ-S in the
local Jessops, and reading comments on the PDML, indicates a much more
favourable response to this fine camera from those who have researched its
modus operandi, and welcome something a little different.

I hate to say this, but the illustrious Pentax Clover (crazy name, crazy
guy/gal) may have a point. If positive magazine reviews are needed to give
sales a boost, and Pentax is surely in this business to make money, they
need to launch a "robocamera" Canon clone with an exposure "mode" selector

Personally I love the way the MZ5n works in that "modes" are selected simply
by choosing whether or not to automate the two exposure controls. I believe
the MZ-S improves on this great system particularly in the shutter speed
selection as choosing a shutter speed manually does not involve rotating the
dial through the extreme speeds ie to go from A to 1/60s on the MZ5n you
have to run through all the speeds from 1/2000s down to 1/60s - not a big
deal but the MZ-S offers an improvement.

Hope my ramblings make some sense.

Jim Brooks

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