If you're using Lithium disposables, it's most economical to simply keep going with them until they stop powering the camera unless you're in the middle of an important shooting session and time to change batteries is scant. Then, pull them, put fresh ones in, and replace the nearly exhausted ones for the last bits of energy from them when things aren't so hectic.

NiMH cells get somewhat unstable when near to exhausted so I usually pull them for recharging when I see the indicator fluctuating a lot.

These comments are in reference to the DS model. I am not sure that the D responds in the same manner.


On Nov 3, 2005, at 8:16 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Running them (at least this set) until they go dry seems like a good idea. That way I'll better know the limits of the batteries and what to expect from the indicator. As long as spares are in the bag, all should be well. As suggested in another message, for something important it might be a good
idea to switch the bats before the camera goes wonky.  Tks!

[Original Message]
From: Godfrey DiGiorgi

Does this behavior suggest that it's time to replace the bats, or

They're getting used up. Be sure to have a spare set of batteries in
your bag, you'll need them soon. Run what's in there until they go dry.

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