Considerate of you to let me know.  



--- Bob Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jack,Just looked at some files from Thanksgiving day.2.5 to 3.5 meg
> jpegs each.My 1.5 meg jpegs are after saving a bit smaller than the
> originals.Sorry for the distorted facts.Bob
> On 11/29/05, Jack Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Bob,> Your
> in-depth answer does it for me. I'll archive it and make it a>
> "frequent study."> Thanks!>> Jack>> --- Bob Sullivan
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> > Jack,I don't know much about 20x30
> prints.A jpeg of 2000x3000 pixels> > and a RAW shot of 2000x3000
> pixels have thesame number of pixels in> > the end, 6 million.  Each
> one of these pixelshas a Red color> > attributed to it and each color
> code (R,G, or B?)takes up a bite.> > Pretty quickly you can see that
> you are going toneed a lot more than> > 6 million bites to store a
> 2000x3000 picture.So no matter how you> > store the original 6 meg
> camera's sensor output,you are gonna make> > some serious
> compromises.  For me, most of thepictures I've taken as> > highest
> quality jpegs on the *ist DS have beenin the 1.5 megabite> > size
> range.  (A maple tree in fall with fullcolors will be more as> > the
> colors vary from pixel to pixel a lot morethan a shot with a> > broad
> ex!
>  panse of sky.)You can look at these pictures on your monitor> > at
> full resolution andsee the pixels that define the edges of things.> >
>  I suspect that theedges in a 6 megabite RAW file and a 6 megabite> >
> jpeg would be verysimilar.  The question really c!> >  omes down to
> how much can that image becompressed before losing> > important
> detail.  I can't really answer thatfor you as I have no> > experience
> with 20x30's.Regards,  Bob S.> > On 11/28/05, Jack Davis
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> I'll work on> > being "meaningful." In
> the meantime I'd love to feel> content with an> > answer to what I
> though was an embarrassingly basic> question: Will a> > 1.5mb or
> 1.5mp jpeg produce as sharp a 20x30 print as> a 6.0mb or> > 6.0mp RAW
> capture?> My guess is that based on mb, no.> Re-opening a> >
> seriously compressed jpeg should be sparingly done to> avoid> >
> artifacts? B'lieve that's what I heard and have experienced.>>> >
> Jack>>> --- Rob Studdert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> > On!
>   28 Nov> > 2005 at 18:13, Jack Davis wrote:> >> > > How about my
> quest
> ion?> > >> > Rather than retype it here (with one finger), suggest
> you just> >> > re-read> > > it.> > > (the initiating point that
> caused the question> > to be so stated, was> > one> > > made wherein
> I could save on CD> > storage if they were stored as> > 1.5mp> > >
> jpegs rather than in> > RAW.)> > > I simply question the end product
> produced from the> > smaller file.> >> > All I read was 1.5 meg which
> I assumed!> >   to be 1.5MB(ytes) not> > 1.5MP(ixels) which> > are of
> course two> > independent and oft misinterpreted measures.> >
> Everyone has to> > be> > arguing about the same thing for it to be a
> meaningful discourse> >> > :-)> >> >> >> >> > Rob Studdert> >
> HURSTVILLE AUSTRALIA> > Tel> > +61-2-9554-4110> > UTC(GMT)  +10
> Hours> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> >> >
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