I don't even have to test that to know it is true. We seem to be talking on different wave lengths.

All I said in response to your original post was that browsers do not have to be color management savy because they assume all web images are sRGB.

I also said that Photoshops "Save For Web" converts images to sRGB by default. Note however that as far as I know it does not insert a sRGB color profile.

The "s" in "sRGB" is short for "standard". The web concept is based upon images being standardRGB images. Once that assumption is made you do not need color profile conversion features, or color profiles at all, in the browsers. If you chose to use something different that is your problem. sRGB is the lowest common denominator, all color systems (even AnnSan's <grin>) should be able to display it properly, which is of course why it was chosen.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Rob Studdert wrote:

On 19 Dec 2005 at 23:46, graywolf wrote:

On my monitor the two sRGB images are identical. The profiled profoto image is darker. The unprofiled profoto image is washed out and yellowish. Of course I am running color management on my system rather than just in photoshop, and profoto is probably newer than my drivers. Want to put up a couple of Adobe 98 images? However, I really do need to recalibrate my system it has been ages...

If all is working as it should be the images embedded with the ProPhoto RGB CS 
should be able to be opened in PS even if you don't have the driver loaded 
because the profile is embedded in the file. I'd like to know how the to images 
with embedded profiles look in PS given that you don't have ProPhoto loaded, it 
should work. :-)

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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