> From: Sylwester Pietrzyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2006/01/18 Wed AM 10:06:20 GMT
> To: "pentax-discuss@pdml.net" <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
> Subject: Re: Carl Zeiss and the Future of Film
> Chris Stoddart wrote on 18.01.06 11:00:
> > I have to weigh in; apart from in China where film sales are up
> > dramatically (source Amateur Photographer magazine, UK). Apparently China
> > is not going direct to digital as many predicted, but growing its market
> > via film. Several new Chinese factories are opening to keep up with
> > demand. Bear in mind also that the Chinese market is potentially larger
> > than the 'first world' countries combined.
> Well, actually in Poland medium format becomes more and more popular among
> photographers (mostly amateurs), who preferes film for various reasons.
> Especially lately when MF began to be very affordable second hand. 120 roll
> even got new name here - "srajtasma" as it is very reminiscent of toilet
> paper and this name is quite rude name for this thing in Poland ;-)

I'm going to enjoy airing that word on my next visit.  Thanks!

> -- 
> Balance is the ultimate good...
> Best Regards
> Sylwek

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