Yeah, do describe in detail the exchange. ;)

--- Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd love to be there for that... maybe pick up a DS2
> as well <LOL>
> Shel
> > [Original Message]
> > From: William Robb 
> > We have a box retailer in Canada called Bset Buy.
> > We have another called Future Shop.
> > I believe Best Buy owns Future Shop.
> > One sells Pentax DSLRs, the other sells Nikon.
> > A friend of mine just shoed up with his new D70.
> > He preferred the Pentax offering, and it was much
> less money.
> > Sadly, he believed the Nikon sales droid who told
> him that CCD's were
> passe,
> > that the one in the Pentax was failure prone and
> that all the real camera
> > makers were using CMOS, just like his Nikon.
> > My friend was quite put off when I showed him the
> specs in his camera
> > documentation.
> > We might go to Best Buy on the weekend so that I
> can grace his salesman
> with
> > my most charming and best behaved self.

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