This one time, at band camp, Leon Altoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The salesman looked a bit shocked when he went in but was smiling when 
> he came out and said that the car would be ready on Wednesday.

I had a similar experience myself, I walked into a local BMW dealer to purchase 
new MZ-3 (Australian name). I was casually dressed and stood in the 
for about 25 mins whilst staff just walked by me. Nobody even said "good 

I left and purchased a Porsche 944, cash, instead . (entry level porsche)
I related this to a friend who owns a tyre dealership and he subsiquently knew 
owner of the BMW dealer ship and told him of my lack of service and was 
on the phone to me. Too late I told him....

Even in a suit I still look rather scruffy around the edges, but this should not
have sales staff pre-judging a book. And irrespective of how one dressed, this 
not determine the level of service one gets.

Kind regards

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. 
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

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