
Fascism is a form of socialism. However, Stalin, who never had any contact with Fascists before acquiring power, was certainly not a Fascist. He was a tyrant, and a communist, but far more the former than the latter, and persecuted anyone who might challenge him or oppose him (including anyone who openly supported true marxist socialism, like Trotsky).

Fascism was invented by a communist newspaper editor by the name of Benito Mussolini. The only other Fascist leader to actually take power was Franco in Spain, the term is used very inappropriately to describe collectivist Nationalist dictatorships.

National Socialism actually predates Fascism (The NSDAP was founded at the end of WW1, although it wouldn't acquire an explicit ideological platform until 1923 with Mein Kampf), and has had many more imitators. In fact the Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party was founded in 1943 explicitly as a Arab version of the National Socialist German Workers Party. It later grew into the brutal regimes that would rule Iraq from 1968 to 2003 and Syria to this day.

Hugo Chavez in Venezuela today is drawing heavily from the NSDAP playbook (Right down to forming his own version of the SA), albeit with a more explicitly Internationalist Socialist ideology and a distinct lack of racism (Anti-americanism is sufficing in replacement, but the only real requirement of the tactic is a group that is either external or isolated and generally disliked to blame all their woes on).


Jens Bladt wrote:
Hitler or Stalin never wanted to let the people rule, which I believe is
fundamental a socialistic philosophy. They just wanted power AND wealth.
They didn't even want democracy as weknow it.

It has been proven - by research made in Russia - after the fall of the
USSR - that Stalin systematically persecuted supporters of the socialistic
philosophy. They were imprisoned, tortured and finally forced to admit too
crimes they never committed. Then executed.  That's a fact. Stalin was NOT a
socialist as far as I'm concerned. He was an opportunist - and a fascist one
at that.

All the best

Jens Bladt

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