On Fri, 24 Feb 2006, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

On Feb 24, 2006, at 2:09 AM, Kostas Kavoussanakis wrote:

And what kind of photography is that, really? Have you defined it?

Yes, but you deleted it:

The LX with its superb finders and the old array of high performance fast lenses made a pretty smick kit for low light work.

If the new DLSR behaves similarly to the D200 at high ISO I doubt that I'm going to be overly excited, proof is in the pudding of course be it a year ore more away. It's apparent that Pentax are heading in a totally different direction now, they are carving a niche of kit biased towards small rather than fast.

I don't see a definition for a "kind of photography" in that quote, Kostas. I see a statement relating to a kind of equipment. What kind of PHOTOGRAPHS is the equipment intended to make? That's photography.

It says "low light work"; that's photography. In it Rob expands that for that type of photographs he needs a combination of low noise in high ISO and bright lenses. He concludes that Pentax is not moving towards this direction. The subject of the thread is "Lens Road Map revised".

And don't shout, I read even without it.


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