Yep. When you've spent some time shooting birds, you come to realize that they're watching you when they're in profile. That's why you have to wait for a shot with the camera in place. If you raise the camera while the bird is in this position, he'll fly away.
On Mar 5, 2006, at 4:48 PM, Bob Shell wrote:

On Mar 5, 2006, at 4:21 PM, Bruce Dayton wrote:

A technically well done shot.  The only downside for me is the bird is
just sitting there - almost like it was stuffed.  Somehow I'd like it
be actively doing something.  As it is, it would be a great shot for
learning what this particular bird looks like.  Food for thought.

It is doing something. It is staring intently at the photographer in an "alert" pose. Birds like this "robin" with eyes on the side of their head are looking at you when the side of their head is toward you. They arrived here last week, and the males like this fellow are busy picking out their territories and squabbling with other males over the prime real estate so they'll be all set when the females arrive. Sort of reminds me of the people around here!


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