Ken, what's your workflow? how do you print them?

On 3/22/06, K.Takeshita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/21/06 10:30 PM, "Markus Maurer", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How do you decide if you use your Leica, the Pentax LX or the Pentax
> > Spotmatic?
> I do not want to distract too much from the context of this question but I
> am finding myself increasingly using film cameras lately.
> I have been using the *istDs as my main camera and really enjoy it.  I also
> think that the resolution is as good or better than the film.  I realize all
> that.
> However, I do not enjoy just seeing photos on my computer screen and always
> try to print as many as possible.
> But when printed, I cannot help noticing that the digital images are always
> flat (not always but many times).  I noticed this on TV.  We have a large
> rear projection TV which takes up space in our room.  So, naturally, I was
> interested in one of those thin digital TV but we observed the same thing.
> Our rear projection TV which of course is the CRT has far more 3D-like
> depth.
> This was discussed everywhere (like vinyl vs CD etc etc) but in case of the
> digital image, it must have something to do with the edge of it represented
> by 0 and 1, i.e., mosaic, rather than the continuous analogue edge which has
> more info.
> Well, I leave it to experts but with film cameras, I pay more attention to
> how it "should" look in the final "print" and there is of course the thrill
> of picking up the printed images from a lab.
> No, I am not pretending to be one of those self-claimed pros who say they
> prefer films, like a fad.  I genuinely prefer films.  Maybe the next 10mp
> Pentax D might begin to change this perception.
> I just hope that film won't go obsolete too quickly, and I am trying to keep
> the habit of using my film cameras as much as possible before too much
> convenience of digicam completely overwhelms me :-).
> Cheers,
> Ken

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