
Any 35mm in K mount would be nice, but an f2 would suit my shooting style best. The FA is what I want because of how good the lens is, but I don't own any AF cameras at the moment (And am not likely to add a Pentax AF body, unless it's another DSLR).

You need to extend development for Tri-X for ultra-high ISO's. Right now I'm in teh 10 minute range for TMax 1:4, but I'm still experimentingfor speeds over 1600. ISO is set per-roll, although you can vary exposure by about a stop either way without serious issues if you've got the camera set at the rated ISO.


Markus Maurer wrote:

Thanks Adam for the nice report, it makes sense for me ;-)
I would like a fast 35mm too but would gladly take a manual version as
Does Tri-X need any special development when used at such high ISO numbers
as 6400, I have never used it
but would like to try it for indoor people shots without flash. Is this a
film where you can change ISO
at will on the same film roll?


-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Maas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: How do you select your camera for the day? was: OT:
Non-PentaxeBay Auction Question

I'm not Frank, but here's how I do it.

The Nikon F3 gets picked for low-light and B&W work. It's usually got
Tri-X in it, rated from 200-6400 depending on how I'm shooting that day.
The combination of fast film and 1/2000 top shutter means that on sunny
days it doesn't get picked, but the WL finder and MLU make it my
preferred low-light body.

For flash work or colour work (usually slide) the Nikon FA gets the nod.
It's usually got colour slide film at 200-400 iso (I prefer it for slide
as it has Matrix metering) and the 1/250 flash sync makes it the best
choice for flash work right now. It tends to get picked on sunny days,
as I'm really digging deep blue skies right now.

If I'm already carrying too much, either the MX or the Canonet gets
picked, depending on whether or not I want a 50mm or a 40mm lens. I need
to get a 35 in K mount as I'm shooting a lot more with that FL than
50mm, and the MX has been sitting lately because of that. Hmm, wonder
what FA 35/2's are going for?

Who's carrying the MX and F3 today.

Markus Maurer wrote:

Hi Frank
How do you decide if you use your Leica, the Pentax LX or the Pentax
Spotmatic? That's the ones I saw mentioned with your PESO, I'm quite sure
you got even more cameras?
I found out, that being in sentimental mood I use the older
cameras like the
ME Super and now the Spotmatic F a lot more.
The some weeks ago purchased Spotmatic F also got a lot of use lately
because of the 85mm SMC Takumar 1.8 and I just love the built quality and

-----Original Message-----
From: frank theriault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Non-Pentax eBay Auction Question

On 3/21/06, Fernando Terrazzino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The only thing "fishy" maybe that he has lots of "Mutually Withdrawn"
rating's, looks like winning the auction doesn't necessarily means
that you're getting the item as described; also eBay "snipers" maybe
waiting to bid on the final seconds...

PS: Looking for a backup body?

Not so much a backup body as a nice old M3 user.  My CL is about ready
for a CLA, and the focus patch is a little bit misaligned vertically
(I know how to align it horizontally, but not vertically), but I don't
want to be without an RF if I can help it.

Yeah, I noticed those "mutually withdrawn" feedbacks too, but I
wouldn't think those would be enough to keep the price that low.

I may bid, I don't know.  I'm one of those who thinks that if
something's too good to be true, it usually is.  My guess is that the
one bidder has such a high proxy that I won't want to outbid him
anyway, but maybe driving his price up ain't a bad thing.  Who knows,
I could get lucky.  <g>

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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