IMO, sure to be disputed, I believe Pentax abandoned us long ago, by not staying competitive in the eyes of the marketplace, by not ensuring product was available for purchase as advertised, by concentrating on 'stripped down' versions of the same camera over and over again instead of being progressive.


I can eat a couple CF's or microdrives, though I would prefer them over SD. Lens compatibility issues makes them no better/no worse than other mfrs.

There are quite a number of 3rd party products out there that are not available in PK-mount. I'm not saying I want any/many of them. I just know that more is available to users of other brands. To me it's an indicator of either how third party suppliers feel about Pentax, or how they feel about the kind of customers Pentax attracts.

Tom C.

From: Joseph Tainter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DFA lenses
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 10:19:09 -0700

"If USM is included it means that it won't AF on older bodies."

It is worrisome that Pentax might abandon its many users who have bought autofocus lenses. Part of me believes that they won't. The other part of me is still feeling outraged that Pentax abandoned those of us who bought the D and spent a lot on CF cards.


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