Quoting David Savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> True. But there is usually a transition period where you can copy your
> data to whatever new storage medium is coming through.

Whatever media one choose, it has to be renewed regularly. Question is how
often. Every five years seems to be a good number to me. I gravitate towards
this because it's a number that has been mentioned for life-time expectancy of
both CD/DVDs and for harddrives, and also because I tend to change computers
about every five years. When changing computers, chances are that one would hit
the transition period as well, I hope.

However, from a consumer perspective I think it sucks big time that you have to
migrate your archive every five years to maintain your memories. With film,
memories could pass down through generations without much maintenance. I can't
imagine anyone wanting to propagate my archive every five years when I'm no
longer around. But then again, that could say more about the quality of my
photos than anything else...:-)


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