
Tightrope walking over Niagra Falls is just as difficult as tightrope walking anywhere else. Once you have the skill to walk a tightrope high up in open air, you can do it anywhere. All it takes beyond that is "courage", "insanity" or "stupidity", depending upon the perspective of the person judging you. Few can develop the skill.

It is not comparable to learning how to operate a computer and knowing what to do to move data, which simply takes storage devices, a little time with a book, and a plan to do what is required. Nearly anyone can do it, except for the very incompetent.

Godfrey, you're being slightly wrong here... Consider this. Find a task which you cannot possibly do. For me it would be fixing my own car on my own. Find another person who can do it easily. For me it would be one of my best friends who is car mechanic by profession. Consider now that him and someone else is talking about fixing cars and you're watching... Shall I go on?

Like Tim keeps saying in his signature (with slight modification of my own) - "Never underestimate the power of stupidity".

In my line of work I've found that great many people that say that they know how to operate a (Windows based) computer cannot understand the concept of unzipping a zip file content to a given directory. They are still very competent otherwise.


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