On May 2, 2006, at 9:06 AM, graywolf wrote:

Humm...? That makes me think. The two modern conveniences I would not want to give up are the indoor bathroom, and the personal computer.

Reminds me of a family get together years ago when my great great grandmother was still alive. There were four generations of mothers cooking in the kitchen. The youngest was going on and on about how it was inconceivable to have a kitchen without a microwave ... she had two. Her mother shook her head and said it was the dishwasher that made all the difference, she hated the time it took to clean up after dinner and the dishwasher made her feel like she wasn't some kind of hired help. Her mother snorted and said the two youngsters were just spoiled: in her youth, you had to fuss and fiddle with the gas stove and gas oven, cook things from scratch rather than from packaged mixes...

My great great grandmother was a grand old lady, very quiet but very smart. She was born on a village farm in 1880 and emigrated to the US in 1903. Her comment, after hearing all the discussion by the other three, was that she though electricity was a wonderful idea ... it was a lot easier to see than it used to be. I'm sure she would agree with your honoring the indoor bathroom. She didn't live long enough to see the first personal computer.


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