On Aug 18, 2006, at 10:28 PM, Brendan MacRae wrote:

>> Nearly all modern SLRs set the aperture manually via
>> a control on the
>> body. Nikon, Canon, Minolta aka Sony, Pentax. In not
>> so much time,
>> you might not have any option to buy anything else
>> other than as used
>> gear.
> Ok, but really modern DSLR's, correct?

Practically every SLR, film or digital, made since the middle 1990s,  
other than the MZ-S and a couple others. Canon actually started doing  
things this way with the A1 back in, what, 1974 or so?

>> I don't  play the guitar.
> Pitty, you're never too old to learn!

LOL .. My fingers never worked that way. I can play the piano. Or the  

> Well, like I've said, it's not irrelevent to me if
> it's controlled on the body (but then, you must be
> used to it by now) but I agree. It's an absulote must
> to have said control...somewhere.

It took me a little while to come around to the idea of controls on  
the body, but now it seems much more natural and ergonomic than the  
old way with exposure controls spread out between body and lens. One  
hand operates the exposure controls, one hand stabilizes the camera  
and, optionally, operates the focusing.

> ... Do the *ist series film cameras operate
> that way as well?

Yes, as far as I know. As do the PZ series and possibly others. I'm  
not familiar enough with Pentax cameras pre-DSLR to know all the  


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