----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Vic Mortelmans"
Subject: Street photography - religious objections

> Hi,

> Today I was at a public street community fair (kind of garage sail)
> taking some pictures. Again: not framing individual people, but just
> catching the environment. Since we live in a multi-cultural city, I
> happened to frame a sale stand where a family of muslim people was
> looking around. One of the women directly signaled me that she opposed
> to have a picture taken. I know that this is forbidden by the islam
> religon.

Are you sure about that?
It seems to me the Muslims can't organize themselves sufficiently to
figure out which hand to wipe their arses with, much less if someone can
take pictures of them.

If the laws of your jurisdiction allow you to take pictures in the
place, then you can take pictures.

Morally, you may have a different opinion, and common courtesy dictates 
that you don't take a picture of someone who objects.

> And I also have a third thought about this (but I hope I don't start a
> polemic discussion on this). I'm myself a practicing roman catholic,
> so
> I (think I) know what religion is about. Nevertheless, I can't imagine
> to interact with other people in my city community in this defensive
> (*)
> manner, based on my religious practice. But maybe I'm a bad
> catholic...

When I was shooting weddings for a living, the Roman Catholics were the
easiest people to get along with regarding pictures.

William Robb

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