----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Adam Maas"
Subject: Re: k10d and manual-aperture lenses?

Pushing 2 buttons instead of one is slowing down?

I also shoot with K/M lenses, don't own as many as you, but 2 of my 3
main lenses are K/M (Kiron 28/2, SMC-M 50/2, SMC-A 70-210) and I shoot
with a couple of screwmount lenses too.

You don't shoot with a Pentax DSLR, so you don't know how simple it is
in actual practice. Until you've tried it in the field, you won't.
Experience is the telling point here (I thought it would be a hassle
myself when I bought the D. It wasn't).

A word to the wise:
This is not a debate you can win with John. Whatever you post will be 
refuted with ever increasingly abusive language until you give up.
Continuing the debate is a fools game, you are dealing with a mind that 
slammed shut about 3 years ago, and has no intention of opening, for any 

Have fun

William Robb

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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