P. J. Alling wrote:

>If were better wouldn't it be 
>logical to expect better sales to old farts like us? 

But Pentax have concluded there wouldn't be *enough*.

If adding the aperture simulator costs $5.00 per camera (much lower 
than what I've heard from people at Pentax but it'll do for 
demonstration purposes) a production run of 10,000 cameras will have an 
additional manufacturing cost of $50,000.00.

If it results in sales of 1000 cameras to *people who wouldn't have 
bought the camera otherwise*, that's not even going to come close to 
recouping its cost. Of course we can argue the numbers, like the actual 
per-camera cost and the number of people to whom this feature is a 
deal-breaker (I'd guess far less than 1000, you'd certainly predict 
more), but the bottom line is that Pentax has already made these 
calculations to their satisfaction.

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