On Oct 27, 2006, at 8:31 AM, DagT wrote:

> Of course, that's why I'm an agnostic, not an atheist or believer  
> in any God.  I can't know, so I just consider the possibilities,  
> and being outside the system the design theory seems to have much  
> less success in predicting results of natural processes than the  
> scientific theory. So, if you are talking about nature I simply use  
> the most sucessful model. That does not mean that the model is  
> perfect, it just gives the best results.
> By the way I didn't say anything about the existance of a designer  
> in the post below, I just said that the argument is wrong because  
> from my point of view natures ability to make these thing is no  
> surprise.

Very sensible post, Dag.

I started out in life to be a zoologist, shifted gears to photography  
later.   When I was in high school and college they taught that  
evolution was a proven fact, not a theory.  I disagreed.  I still  
feel that way, just because there is so much we don't know, and a lot  
we should know that is packed away in drawers and on shelves because  
it doesn't fit.  I'm sure evolution works, since we can observe it on  
a condensed scale, but the question remains if it can explain  

I'm quite convinced that we have got most of the history/evolution of  
humans wrong.  We've made great, sweeping statements based on a  
ridiculously small amount of evidence.  And we've ignored evidence  
when it doesn't fit our preconceptions.


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