You're usually one of my favourite correspondents to PDML, but this time
you've gone off half-cocked. The inconsistency of your argument is a

On one hand you say,

> I am willing
> to pay the extra necessary to obtain what I want.

But later you contradict yourself thus,

> Your solution is to have multiple camera systems for the
> same format - a rangefinder to be small, light and quiet and an SLR to
> large, heavy and noisy. So... ah... you got a rangefinder that uses
the same
> lenses as this SLR? I don't have much good to say about having to
> about six very expensive lenses.

So not only do you actually begrudge spending more money to get the
tools most suited to each specific task (although at first you talked
like Daddy Warbucks ready to spend any amount to get exactly what you
wanted), but your arguing point is the crock you accused mine of being.

I never wrote that it was the purpose of an SLR to be "large, heavy and
noisy". Only that it was the forte of 35mm rangefinder cameras to be
small and quiet. One set of attributes ~does not~ force the alternative
design of camera to possess diametrically opposite attributes. The
Olympus OM-series is proof enough of that.  No Pentax was ever so quiet

> I don't have much good to say about having to duplicate
> about six very expensive lenses.

What would be the point of having a duplicated kit of lenses for both
camera types, if you did in fact have both? Obviously if
photomacrography was one of your tasks/interests you would only get
macro lenses for your SLR. There would be no point to having a macro
set-up for a rangefinder system if you had the option of an SLR system
to hang it on. If you had a need for super-telephoto lenses you would
only want them for your SLR system. Your choice for the wide to
ultrawide range would have pluses and minuses with either system.
Rangefinders as a rule have better wide lenses because their designs are
not compromised by deep camera bodies, but I realise that some
photographers feel a need to preview wide/ultrawide shots through the
lens to avoid any nasty flare surprises. So some hard choices to be made
there and perhaps one or two focal length duplications.

But the fast-standard to short telephoto choice is a no-contest if it's
for quiet and inconspicuous photography. Get the rangefinder lens. This
is firmly in the realm of stealth photography, whether it's to avoid the
edge of Greg Norman's tongue after you've upset his ten foot putt for
the championship on the last hole of the last day of a tournament, to
avoid a hissy-fit from surrounding theatre patrons who've paid to hear
Kenneth Branagh's dulcet tones and not instant-return mirror, or to
avoid being worked over by the dope-dealer you've just immortalised in
gelatin and silver.

Noise no problem? Then what's your point?  Don't get a rangefinder and
butt out of a exchange of views about "times when small and quiet are

> I don't like rangefinders. Not best suited for macro work. Won't take
> lenses

Did I tell anyone to ditch SLRs for rangefinders? Use the SLR where it's
best, why wouldn't you? Once again you misrepresented my argument to
score some cheap little point where in fact you had none. Everything
else you wrote is deliberately provocative, self-aggrandising tripe. You
know the answers to the mock-naive questions you posed. But for the

* I believe Leicas can take SLR lenses with an appropriate adapter
(scale focussing only) so by default Konica Hexars and the latest
Cosina-Voigtlandter can too. Leica screw thread can be adapted to
anything with a longer back focus so that includes the first two
Cosina-Voigtlandters and countless ex-USSR knockoffs of Leicas.

* No brand recommendations from me as I've no experience of ownership to
base opinions on;

* Not AFAIK.

> Your points may be good market points. Nevertheless, I know what I
> Regards,
> Bob...

And I know what you ~won't~ get, and that's a manually wound new Pentax
35mm SLR. The mechanical age is finished. Get over it.

Anthony Farr (who has no rangefinders or AF SLRs but ~can~ read the
writing on the wall)
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