On 23/1/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED], discombobulated, unleashed:

>That's pretty much what I was going to say, except that I hadn't 
>gotten as far as thinking about what I'd do if I were employed as
>a news photographer.
>I'd shoot the overall scene, shots of police collecting evidence 
>other than right next to the body, etc., but while the thought
>most certainly would have occurred to me, I don't think I would
>have photographed the body of the victim himself.  That can be
>adequately recorded by some police photographer.

Sadly you would not make it as a news photographer sir. There may be no
obvious reason to you why need to shoot the corpse, but if your editor
later discovered you had not, you would not be working for him/her
again. Of course, that could be a blessing ;-)

Note that police photographers record for evidential purposes and not
historical - only the authorities will have access to those images. Fine
you say, but what if it later transpires that it was the son of a
relative who died in very mysterious circumstances, and (for whatever
reason) the police found no culprit, and the coroner recorded an open
verdict? If I was the parent seeking justice for what I believed to be
an unlawful killing, I would want access to any and all material
available in order to pursue my own investigations. that would include
news coverage, and if necessary, knocking door to door in the vicinity
in search of more evidence and the truth.

This happens more than you would think.



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