Godfrey, to clarify my point (of the initial message of this thread).
I consider LR pricing to be fair. I consider the way Adobe markets its
products outside US of A to be very user-repulsing.

On 2/7/07, Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I fully expected Lightroom to be about $300. With the sophistication
> I see in this application and it's fit to my needs, that is inexpensive.
> The moaning and lamenting about Photoshop pricing reminds me of Leica
> owners with $30,000 worth of Leica M bodies and lenses in their bag
> going to CostCo to save three dollars on film processing and
> accepting the mediocre results. And then complaining about the
> results and blaming CostCo. It makes no sense to me.
> Image processing tools are, if anything, MORE important than fancy
> lenses if you're serious about making fine photographs. I bought
> Photoshop because, after trying every other tool available, it did
> the best job for me even if it didn't do everything I needed. I
> bought it before I started expecting to make a living from my
> photography, they just did the job right for me. I am buying
> Lightroom for the same reason. The two together address all my needs,
> and cost me less than the DA14. I like the DA14 very much, but if
> push came to shove I'd take Photoshop + Lightroom instead. Using them
> will likely generate the money to buy a DA14 faster than using a DA14
> and less productive tools.
> Well, that's my perspective ... Everyone's entitled to their own
> opinion.
> Godfrey
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