On 26-Feb-07, at 12:26 AM, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

> If I were starting now, I'd download Lightroom on the free trial and
> work with it for a while. Lightroom has enough editing (cropping,
> rotation, spotting, tonal adjustment, color balancing, sharpening,
> etc) that it does about 95% of what I used to do in the combination
> of PS CS2 + Bridge + Camera Raw.

I just ran through processing one photo with Lightroom - it's  
brilliant!  (Lightroom that is, not my photo)  Looking back over some  
of the PS work I've done, I can think of maybe 5 photos out of ~3000  
for which I've used more features than Lightroom provides.  And for  
those photos, I was mostly playing, (e.g. http://forksandhope.com/ 
images/Nov06/IMGP4480-m-desat.jpg *) and I'm not really proficient  
enough with photoshop to pull off what I was trying to do.   I bet  
Lightroom would have made my processing much easier and faster.

I think I'll probably end up buying Lightroom and putting off the  
Photoshop purchase at least until CS3 is out.

take care,


* Damn. I really shouldn't look back over my old photos - they just  
make me want to spend money on kit (K10D, 60-250 f/4 DA*.. damn you  
pentax!) and go back to Africa to get all those missed and botched  

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