Oh shutup Pal,

Not only many of us, but other camera reviewers don't agree with you. We
know how it isn't your favorite camera, and how you detested the AF with
400mm lenses trying to shoot flocks of moving birds.  Did you ever take a
photo with it you liked???

You also don't seem to be overly enamored with your 645 (film flatness
issues) and I seem to recall some "disappointment" expressed over the MZ-S.

There's no perfect camera out there that will transform itself to one's
whims of the moment.

They are all tools and the PZ-1p is a very very good one.

The fact it didn't do well may be part marketing, part Nikon/Canon mentality
of the consumer-masses.

Tom C.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pål Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: PZ-1p review

> Robert wrote:
> > I personally love the PZ-1p and can't really imagine a better all-around
> > camera.
> Since there has been so much praise of the Z-1p someone (me) should really
elaborate on the opposite point of view; what a detestable, plasticky and
directionless, ugly machine it really is. This view is also supported in its
lack of popularity and the fact that it never sold in spite Pentax attempts
to give it away. I sold mine and haven't regretted it for a moment. The
Z-1p, indeed the whole Z-series, is the least Pentaxy of all Pentaxes ever.
> >he ergonomics, as has already been pointed out, couldn't be
> > better.
> It could and it is. All manufacturers, including Pentax, have abandoned
this type of interface once and for all. Pressing a button while turning a
dial while reading out the values at an LCD panel while turning another dial
elsewhere on the camera body, all simultaneously is my recipe of a nightmare
interface. By all means, if you use the Z-1p in program mode and seldomly
acess the other features and functions, the interface is all right - and I
guess this how the camera is supposed to be used with power-zoom and all.
> > The feel of the camera in my hands is simply the best thing I've
> > ever felt.
> It doesn't fit my hand at all. My hands are far too large for the grip. It
is the most uncomfortable camera I've ever handled. Its also a crude machine
prone to vibrations and a twinting action from the film transport. It
certainly not for connoisseurs of fine crafted machinery.
> > The Hyper modes concept is a brilliant one - something that
> > would be difficult now for me to lose.
> But the camera could never manage the simultaneously avaiable aperture
priority and manual mode present on the MZ-S. Try the Z-1p's brilliant
interface, involving pressing a button, turning a wheel scrolling through a
meny, while turning another wheel while reading out the desired values in an
external LCD panel, in the middle of an action shooting session - when you
suddenly want manual control.
> > I was one of the handful clamoring for a PZ-1pn as a new flagship...not
> > an update was needed for me, but simply for marketing reasons - a few
> > upgrades such as multi-point autofocusing would have helped sales
> > (Let's not get into the discussion of how poorly this gem of a camera,
> > PZ-1p, has been marketed.)  And a weather-sealed titanium PZ-1p would
> > made me happy for life.
> The Z-1p was a lost opportunity spoiled by Pentax marketing division. They
crippled it into a compromise that triggered the very few and that didn't
give any reason for not buying a Canon instead.
> By removing it's very rugged built quality and weather sealing, by
compromising the new lens series with hopeless gimmicks like power-zoom,
features that didn't bring any customers and whose only effect was making
the products more expensive and less competitive, Pentax turned a genuing
EOS-1 competitor into a anonymous camera totally lost in the market place.
Not only did they give the camera an absurdly amorphous, anonymous outer
design, the also added to the insult and lack of sex appeal by using cheap
plastic. Can you imagine what something like the MZ-S would have done in
1992 even with SAFOX II?
> The outer design looks like contemporary japanes car design which is
universally regarded as utterly soul less - thats why cars like the Toyota
Camry and Honda Accord is impossible to sell outside Japan and north
America. I'm sure that the Z-1p was designed by the same guy who designed
the old, early 90's Mazda 626; both look like something originally vaguely
stylish left too long out in the sun so that they start to melt.
> In the early 90's who wanted a amourphous blob of a camera, similarly
priced to the premium Nikon F90, with a non-existing system of lenses (very
few lenses were available), and those lenses that did exist were over-priced
due to unwanted features like power-zoom, when they could buy the mentioned
Nikon with its heritage or a Canon with its USM lenses? The only one were
those owning older, maual focus Pentax lenses. Unfortunately, the Z-1p was
never very popular among most users of older Pentaxes that after all were
often bought for their built quality and clean design without gimmicks.
> Eventually, Pentax dumped the Z-1p and attracted cheap customers who only
were willing to consider a Pentax if costed less than the competition. No
good for brand building. No wonder Pentax felt the need to start making
Limited lenses.
> > It's hard for me see how the PZ-1p is considered ugly - especially when
> > alongside the MZ-S.
> Allow me to question your sense of estetics. The MZ-S can be labeled a
designer camera whereas the Z-1p best goes umnetioned.
>  > Sadly, the PZ-1p wasn't even loved by Pentaxers in general - and
> > not the way LX was.  The demise of the LX was honored with a long thread
> > lavish toasts; the PZ-1p died without such honor.  When I heard the news
> > that the PZ-1p was officially out of production, I, however, silently
> > some homemade chianti.
> Some of us actually celebrated the demise of the Z-1p whose only purpose
was getting features at a cheap price. It also contributed to the cheapness
of the Pentax brand and its lack of popularity. Thank God for the MZ-5n and
the MZ-S; They may not be anybodys cup of  tea but their existence owes to
more than simply offering value for money.
> Pål
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