On Wed, 26 Dec 2001 20:51:48 +0100, you wrote:

>Some of us actually celebrated the demise of the Z-1p

...and some of us regret replacing the top model PZ1p with the
mid-range MZ-S. In my opinion, history will judge the MZ-S as an
overpriced yuppie-pretending-to-be-artist's toy, much like the Contax
G1 or N1. 

I love this quote from a G1 reviewer, which in my mind also sums up
the Contax N1 and Pentax MZ-S: "The exact application for which this
camera was designed is unclear, except that price and availability
point to a decidedly upscale demographic."

It is not surprising to hear MZ-S owners proclaim its lack of features
as a desirable feature in itself, because they never could figure out
how to successfully and easily access the useful features of a
previous camera.

And come on guys - is the MZ-S really all that well built? I mean,
does it have weather sealing that will hold back a piddling fog? Is it
sealed as well as the EOS 1v? Or do we drag out the price-performance
argument when comparing the EOS 1v and MZ-S, and in the next breath
loudly proclaim that the PZ1p is "bad" because the PZ1p provides
excellent value for the money?

Does anyone really think Pentax did not leave room for an improved
model MZ-Sn, for example something with faster max shutter speed,
faster flash sync, and maybe a couple of other features? Or, more
likely, isn't it true that the MZ-S only exists at all because Pentax
needed a design frame for their digital camera?

Introducing a new model such as the MZ-S as the be-all and end-all of
Pentax film cameras would go against the obvious current and ancient
history of Pentax design. The PZ1p does not have a direct upgrade
because Pentax fell out of competition against Nikon and Canon and
Minolta in the mid and upper range AF camera *systems*, not because of
any fault in the design of the PZ1p itself.

If anything, they made the Pz1 too good; and the improved Pz1p too
good, and failed to reach the next level with an upgraded Pz1p because
ot system issues, and because Pentax side-tracked themselves with
selling point-and-shoots, and selling upscale point-and-shoots like
the whole MZ series.

As for price-performance, well, Pentax has a long and honorable
history of providing good value for camera buyers, going at least back
to the Spotmatic era and continuing through today. Back then, Pentax
priced three different sets with only a ten or twenty dollar
difference between each level. Remember Pentax is the manufacturer who
hung a ring around an f1.8 lens to cut its max aperture back to f2, so
some poor schmuck could afford to buy a Pentax kit ten bucks cheaper,
with no serious compromise in quality.

In my mind, there's only three reasons to own Pentax at all: first is
the excellent Pentax glass, with its first-rate coatings. Second is
related to the first: backwards compatibliity with fine older lenses.
But the real kicker is value for money. If I had unlimited funds, and
became convinced Canon lenses would please me as well as my Pentax
lenses, I switch tomorrow. Or, more likely, I would have switched a
long time ago.

The PZ1p is a fine camera in the hands of anyone not looking for a
yuppie toy to make themselves feel good about owning "a fine piece of
machinery." If one is looking for a camera to impress those who know
nothing, a Pz1p works just as well as an MZ-S. If one is looking for a
camera to take pictures, the Pz1p outperforms the MZ-S.

And if anyone thinks the MZ-S is all that great, just wait til Pentax
dumps the K-mount. It may happen, guys. Pentax changed mounts once
before, and might change again. If Pentax wants to adopt modern lens
design with HSM and IF technology, changing mounts might be more
profitable than designing around the limitations of the K-mount.

But I truly think Pentax in no longer interested in anything except
the "upscale demographics", and will focus not on professional or even
serious photographers, but instead on aspiring yuppies who want to
take pictures with a camera they think will impress somebody, if only
themselves. Sort of a poor boys Contax.

The bad thing is, Pentax is again way behind the market. Being a yuppy
went out with the dot coms.

John Mustarde
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