It's possible to be brusque and not treat your customers like idiots.

On 2/1/2010 12:59 PM, Joseph Tainter wrote:
A few years ago I had a gripe about B&H, a minor thing really, a screw-up in their computer system. When I complained, Mr. Posner sent me a couple of emails that I found insulting. He blamed me for their computer problem. So I just got even: For the next two or three years I bought lenses from Adorama that otherwise I would probably have bought from B&H. It gave me some satisfaction, but I'm sure meant little or nothing to B&H. Once I discovered how squirrely Adorama can be, I went back to buying from B&H. No retailer is perfect. Both of these are honest, and I am comfortable buying from either.

I am, though, uncomfortable with the modes of communication that are acceptable in New York City: brusque, rapid-fire. I think this is why I was bothered by Mr. Posner's emails. Back in the days when I would order by phone, I was much more comfortable ordering from Camera World of Oregon (now out of business), even though their prices were a bit higher. Now that I can do nearly every transaction on the internet, and don't have to talk to New York salesmen on the phone, I deal mainly with B&H and Adorama.


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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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