speaking of quality cameras by lesser popular brands, the ricoh k-mount
cameras are amazing. The performance/price ratio one can hit on them due
to low demand is really cool. They are my preffered manual focus k-mount


On Sun, Feb 24, 2002 at 07:19:55PM -0500, T Rittenhouse wrote:
> At one time the was the Nikon F. It was the only SLR Nikon made. The made
> two RFs back in those days but the difference was features, not quality.
> Nikon meant quality. Then Marketing looked around and said, Nikon means
> quality, we will produce junk cameras with the Nikon name on them, the
> unwashed will not know the difference. An behold, they were right, the
> unwashed show you their EM and said it's a Nikon! Then all the other Makers,
> said this is good! And proceed to make all kinds of cameras with their names
> on them. Most were cheap junk, but a few who were known for cheap junk
> actually made quality cameras and put their names on them. The fell by the
> wayside for the unwashed said, look how much they want for that cheap junk
> camer when I can get a Nikon for half the price.
> The moral of this story? The unwashed get what they deserve, screwed.
> Ciao,
> Graywolf
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 2:51 PM
> Subject: Re: Switching to Pentax
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Ed Mathews"
> > Subject: RE: Switching to Pentax
> >
> >
> > > All AF Nikkors have always had an aperture lock.  And Nikon
> > has great
> > > compatibility amongst most of their bodies.  I can use all my
> > current AF
> > > lenses on my 20 year old F3 with full function, and old AI
> > lenses from
> > > the 70's work fine on my F100.  Sure, they have some issues
> > with their
> > > amateur line cameras, but the people that buy those are by and
> > large not
> > > looking for complete compatibility with old stuff anyway.  And
> > Pentax
> > > has some issues with some of their cheapest AF bodies also.  I
> > think
> > > both Pentax and Nikon need to be commended on their
> > compatibility
> > > between most bodies for older and newer items working
> > together,
> > > especially comparing AF and non AF items.  They are in a
> > different
> > > league than Canon and Minolta in this regard.
> >
> > My old non AI Nikkors would not mount on my FM or FM2. I could
> > mount them on my FE, but I lost open aperture metering. These
> > were not bottom of the range cameras, BTW. The cure was to send
> > the lenses in for new and ugly plastic aperture rings, and they
> > only did this for a couple of years, and it wasn't cheap. After
> > they stopped putting aperture tabs on the AI lenses, they would
> > no longer meter couple to my F2.
> > Then there was an entire range of camera bodies that didn't have
> > the flip up aperture coupler tab, so you couldn't mount a non
> > AI'd lens, no matter what.
> > The cure was to remove the aperture ring and grind (file) away a
> > chunk of it so that the lens would mount. If you were off by a
> > bit, so what? It just meant you couldn't trust your light meter
> > with that lens anymore.
> > And there was an entire range of cameras that just simply would
> > not work at all with anything other than an AF lens
> > Nikon forced their users to make expensive equipment upgrades to
> > continue using their equipment in the cross platform way that we
> > take for granted with Pentax.
> > At the time, I didn't really see why I should have to buy 3 F3
> > bodies, just to have reasonable redundancy WRT backup cameras,
> > and be able to use all my available lenses.
> > They are still playing the same game, by forcing people to buy
> > either their top tier cameras to get complete compatability with
> > their older lenses.
> > Pentax has dropped full compatability on their cheapest AF
> > camera body, recently.
> > This may indicate a trend, but I hope not. If it does, they are,
> > at least, 20 years behind Nikon in this respect, which is, IMO,
> > a good thing.
> >
> > William Robb
> > -
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