The also owe us some real ultra wide angles, say a 10mm rectilinear at f2.8 or f4.0. Even the DA 15mm limited isn't very wide on the APS C format.

On 6/23/2011 5:29 PM, Bob Sullivan wrote:
Somebody at Pentax owes us some long, fast glass.
The diversion of resources to a toy camera is annoying!
Regards,  Bob S.

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 4:18 PM, John Celio<>  wrote:
I'm amazed by how many people are expressing disappointment in the Q,
here and on other forums, as if it's supposed to be some sort of
professional camera system.

Guys, this is a modern Auto110. It's made for moderately versatile
convenience, and it's aimed at people who want to have fun with their
cameras. Those of us who lug around our K-whatevers every day are not
the intended market!

Please, take a chill pill and quit acting like Pentax owes you a better
camera. They already make better cameras, and you probably already own
one of them. Pentax may very well come out with a larger mirrorless
camera this year,  but I'd be willing to bet you'll find some reason to
bitch about it anyway.


P.S.: For what it's worth, I think the Q is pretty damn intriguing. As
an Auto110 fan, I like this addition to Pentax's digital lineup.


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