From: Darren Addy

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Bob Sullivan <> wrote:
I found some of the NATO meeting protesters despicable.
Why come to a protest wearing goggles and a bandanna over your face,
and another over your hair?
Only reason I can imagine is that you intend to damage property,
and you want to keep your identity a secret.
That's hardly the peaceful expression of dissent and disagreement.
Regards, ?Bob S.
I *have* to believe that your imagination is a little better than that
and that with a little effort you can come up with multiple reasons
that, particularly in today's environment, one might wish to conceal
one's identity at a protest (many of them non-despicable, if not
out-right reasonable.)

One thing to always keep in mind. If you're at the planning session for any kind of demonstration, the guy who wants you to plant a bomb & blow something up is the FBI's informant.

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