On 28/05/2012 1:06 PM, Bob Sullivan wrote:
The employment issue might be relevant.
You could wear a hat, sunglasses, and a hospital mask as a disguise,
but the goggles are teargas protection, maybe the bandanna as well.

Knowing how over the top both protesters and police can be these days, wearing tear gas protection at a protest rally is probably as prudent as wearing a tie-off when working on a roof. When I get into my truck, I put on my seatbelt. This doesn't mean I am looking to smack into something, it's just that I am aware that there are potential pitfalls to driving across town. Were I off to a protest rally, the same thing would apply. Some protester might get carried away (at the G8 in Toronto, some of the protesters who got carried away were, in fact, police plants who were embedded deliberately to cause mischief and give the police an excuse to crack a few skulls), or a cop might just get trigger happy and plop a gas grenade beside me just for spite.


William Robb

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