The OP has not come through to my inbox yet, so I reply to this one. :-) 
Mark, what's the primary focus for the course? Is it technically inclined or 
towards arts and visual communication?

Den 29. september 2016 23.02.30 CEST, skrev Mark Roberts 
>Igor PDML-StR wrote:
>>Those are curious facts, but there are several important questions 
>>that need to be addessed before any conclusions (or even suggestions)
>>be made:
>>1. What type of class that is and for whom?
>>(e.g. an introduction to major for espiring photographers vs. one of
>>"election" classes for "far-from-major"-s)
>>2. For most of those numbers his is not a statistically representative
>>case. So, very few clear conclusions can be made (Except that the
>class is 
>>happening, and you've got some studnets who are likely to be
>interested in 
>>photography). With just a dozen of students, the statistical error is 
>>Sqrt(12) ~= 3.5 So, +/- 3.5 person is your "error bars" for each of
>>numbers you mentioned. (I.e. 0 +/- 3.5 with mirrorless, 0 +/- 3.5 with
>>4/3rds, 2 +/- 3.5 with P&S, etc.)
>>And that 3.5 out of 12 is close to 30%. It means that if you were to
>>this class again and again, and no other factors would change, 
>>on average you might expect up to 30% of students with mirrorless and
>>to 30% - with 4/3rds, and up to 45% with P&S.
>>Not that "black and white" anymore, isn't it?
>I never said it was black and white. I'm just putting out a small
>sample of what's going on.
>As the course name "Digital Photography II" implies, this is a
>second-level course. (I bet you can guess as to what the prerequisite
>course might be called.) It's purely elective for all majors.
>What was more telling to me than the cameras being used was that none
>of the students had even *heard* of mirrorless cameras. Or the
>Four-Thirds system. It will, as you say, be interesting to see how
>this plays out over the coming semesters when I get a bigger sample
>As for the percentage who show up with P&S cameras, rather than going
>up to 45% it should drop closer 0% after we have the requirement of an
>interchangeable lens camera mentioned in the course description in the
>catalog – currently they don't know until they show up for the first
>class and get the syllabus.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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