On Sun, 8 Sep 2002 17:23:49 -0400, you wrote:

>this thread is so depressing... seems like the only reason everyone is using
>pentax gear is because that's what they used when they were kids.
Not everyone. I began the accumulating the largest part of my 35mm
system when the PZ1p was in direct competition with the Nikon n90 and
Canon A2e. I studied the specs and handled all the cameras - and the
PZ1p blew them away in specs and performance - especially

In the years since then, I've never suffered AF envy, ergonomic
confusion, inability to understand how to make them operate, or any
other problem with my three PZ1p's, so I really have no reason to
switch except for IS lenses, lighter big glass, or a good DSLR.

But I'm Pentax worst customer. I've only bought a $500 PZ1p and a $950
A* 200/4 Macro as new items.  All my other Pentax cameras and lenses
and accessories have been bought second-hand, so Pentax has not really
generated much direct revenue from me.

That could change, though - if Pentax markets some Image Stabilization
fast long lenses and a DSLR, my wallet will open up pretty quick.

John Mustarde

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