It depends on your terms of employment.

At 11:20 AM 9/25/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>"Thanks for the positive reinforcement! I know a reporter for a local
>who for years used no other body than a K1000. Then, her bosses decided
>retire their wet darkroom so she had to purchase a Digital!"
>Our staff photographer uses a Leica rangefinder (older than M6, I
>think) and Nikon F3's.  The pressure got so intense on him to go digital
>that he is now using a borrowed E-20.  Of course, no one wants to spend
>the money to get him an interchangeable lens DSLR.  Even the E-20 is
>borrowed;  they gave him a Coolpix 950.  There is, of course, the
>scanner option, but they want photos for the Website immediately after
>the event, and digital is the best option for that.
>How do people feel about that?  Is it reasonable to say "look, we only
>want web photos, so just use a P&S", or is the photographer entitled to
>use equipment sufficiently good for him to be comfortable with the level
>of control?  I have some sympathy for both sides in this case.
>Steven Desjardins
>Department of Chemistry
>Washington and Lee University
>Lexington, VA 24450
>(540) 458-8873
>FAX: (540) 458-8878

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