Paal wrote:

This may be correct too but how does it compare to what was printed in the original japanese newspaper article? I saw that this Taiwanese source obviously copied something from this article but managed to get some of the facts wrong.
The way I see it; both Pentax UK, this Tawanese source, and the Japanes newspaper received incomplete facts they have interpreted in their own way. We have no way of knowing where the truth lies.

I agree with your points. One of my speculations for the purpose of these news leaks are the timing: it is coincident with the launching of Sigma SD-9, i.e. late October in Japan. In view of the rumoured pricing of the Pentax D-SLR and the time of news, I guess Pentax is quite worry that some of their customers may switch to Sigma.

All we can do now is guessing, until we see the real thing. At least we have something to guess, unlike Minolta users.


Henry Chu

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