Hi Henry
Well, I guess the csots of developing the MZ-S body has allready been paid
for by the MS-S sales. I's might probably be cheaper to reuse the MZ-S
framework, rather than starting all over again. The MZ-S sell for appr.
700-800 USD, leaving a little economic space for implementing the

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Iren & Henry Chu [mailto:irenhenry@;hotmail.com]
Sendt: 27. oktober 2002 14:18
Emne: RE: Exclusive picture of "new" Pentax D-SLR

>Hi all
>This is a very long thread based on the fact, that one Taiwaneese magasine
>didn't have a picture of the future/new Pentax DSLR, that is going to
>replace the abandoned (MZ-S-like) one, and used a two year old picture.
>We seem to know, it's going to have a 16x24mm 5 megapix CCD (?), a
>and will cost appr. 1500 USD/Euro's (Body only). As I recall the D MZ-S was
>supposed to cost about 6000-8000 USD/Euros, which means the new one must be
>very much different - since it costs about 1/4.
>I'll probably buy one instead of the MZ-S I never got.

Although the photos are old, the message is that the new D-SLR will not be
quite different to the old one.

There is another important point from the Taiwanese report:  Pentax aims at
pricing the new D-SLR's to about half of the existing D-SLRs like D100 and
D60 (list price = 330,000yen).  It's planned price competitor is Sigma SD-9.
  The list price is the same at 200,000yen. Pentax Taiwan expected a street
price of about USD1,200.


Henry Chu

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