Herb Chong wrote:
> Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>
> > There should be a small tab that needs to be pressed before the
> > adapter will
> > turn to come off.
> Where? What does it look like?
> <
> it's right beside the K-mount lens unlock button on the camera. from your
> other message, it sounds like you broke the retaining spring when putting
> on or taking off the lens. the spring should be opposite the aperture lever
> and just require a push to clear the mount lock flange and allow rotation.
> as for the comment about putting the adapter onto the camera body first, i
> have never done that and have not had a problem with the Pentax-brand
> adapter.
> Herb...

Nor have I, but then, I have always used it with Pentax M-42 lenses...

keith whaley

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