----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Whaley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Is BOKEH real?!?! Was -- Re: If You had to pick one lens .
. .

> Here's a paragraph from the web source Robert Soames Wetmore posted,
> which is:
> http://mejac.palo-alto.ca.us/leica-users/v17/msg11841.html
> Mike Johnston is speaking here:
> "In 1997 I helped introduce a new term into the lexicon of North American
> photographers: "bokeh," which was my own rendering of a katakana term
> more properly romanized as _bo-ke_ or boke (a spelling which provoked a
> hail of puns and jokes on a pronunciation that was totally incorrect).
> It's the Japanese word meaning "blur," specifically the visual
> properties of the way a lens renders out-of-focus areas in pictures.
> _PHOTO Techniques_ presented three articles on the subject: "What is
> 'Bokeh'?" By John Kennerdell, an American-born photographer based in
> Bangkok; "Notes on the Terminology of Bokeh" by Oren Grad, an M.D. /
> Ph.D. researcher at Abt Associates in Cambridge, MA; and "A Technical
> View of Bokeh" by Harold Merklinger, who is Senior Scientist at the
> Canadian Defense Establishment Atlantic in Halifax, N.S."
> All these senior scientists' and researchers' emanations are probably
> suspect too, because they were found "online," not so?
> keith

Ah-Ha!  Keith, you didn't read through your red haze of anger.  You have
produced evidence.  That is what I wanted!!!  I can go and pull up bios on
these people, check credentials, read published material.  Of course, if I
look into Abt Associates in Cambridge, MA and there is no record of Oren
Grad being related there or anywhere and no record of his materials, then
it's a fraud, happens all the time on the Internet.  I'm not saying what you
just posted is.  But now I can use a better method to check it's
authenticity and read more about him/her and their research.  And perhaps
learn more about bokeh.....See?

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