On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, Rob Studdert wrote:
> On 10 Nov 2002 at 12:39, gfen wrote:
> > It should proove to be a collossal waste of time and film. :)
> Now don't you wish you had a DSLR :-)

Not really.. I find myself wanting to use my 645 and large format rigs
more than 35 just because I find them more of a pleasure to use... a DSLR
will just take away from them further, because of the convieneces.

> Seriously I'm sure we'll learn a lot more about lenses that we don't own as
> soon as a DSLR becomes available. I for one would be far happier to do (more)
> lens testing.

Troo.. I don't mind blowing the time and film and whatnot, its just I have
so many other things to do, and there's such little daylight.

I'd actualyl like to do the tests with my large format lenses, as well.
I've also wanted to do a film comparision to each other, as well. Perhaps
the time for all these things is now..


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