but Howard, saying this, you assume natural selection to be a real process - 
and not just a linguistic convention …


Den 17/01/2015 kl. 21.28 skrev Howard Pattee 

Thank you Ben for a clear answer. I would say, then, that in thinking about 
formal mathematics Peirce was to some extent nominalistic, which of course 
leaves him free to be realistic about diagrams and physics. The basis for 
considering logic to be realistic is still mysterious to me.

Of course there is still a great epistemic variety among today's mathematicians 
and physicists, largely because of great mysteries. Natural selection has made 
sure we begin life as naive realists which is necessary for immediate survival. 
However, as physics has had to rely more and more on creative imagination for 
models of events, which are way beyond natural senses and common sense, it is 
only reasonable that the models become more nominalistic.


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