So, for example, these "over simplifications" by the Circle that Clark
mentions really need to be seen as an exploration of rigor and are not
rightly a source of criticism in my view.


On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 10:55 AM, Steven Ericsson-Zenith <>

> I'll defend the Vienna Circle just a little further because I believe that
> they have been misunderstood and mistreated by lesser men in the twentieth
> century and that there is some correction going on now. Quine stands alone,
> and as Clark said, he has his own problems. He's also responsible to
> ignoring the Peirce contributions explicitly, that does not endear him to
> me.
> I am also less convinced that Peirce was unknown to them, although there
> is little explicit consideration given. Hilbert certainly had Peirce in
> mind.
> Steven
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 9:03 AM, John Collier <> wrote:
>>  Quite, Clark. We have some people who still believe meaning is fully
>> determined and that one can determine truth or falsity thereby. This is a
>> view that does not understand how language works. Peirce recognized that
>> making meanings clear was a process, not an endpoint. This is an endpoint
>> that at present does not exist, and I think there is little reason to think
>> it will exist in the near future. In the meantime we have to keep out
>> options open. To do other is to close down creativity (see my Informal
>> Pragmatics and Linguistic Creativity
>> <>,
>> South African Journal of Philosophy, 2014 for my most recent statement)
>> and, as I argued in a recent post, just push the problem further back. The
>> article uses Peirce, of course.
>> Best,
>> John
>> *From:* Clark Goble []
>> *Sent:* April 2, 2015 7:22 PM
>> *To:* Peirce List
>> *Subject:* Re: [PEIRCE-L] Article on origin of the universe relevant to
>> some recent discussions on these lists
>>  On Apr 2, 2015, at 11:00 AM, Jon Awbrey <> wrote:
>> An empirical proposition is falsifiable if a counterexample is logically
>> possible. When we go for a long enough time without observing a
>> counterexample, which may involve creating experimental conditions under
>> which a counterexample should occur, then we begin to believe that there is
>> some natural constraint ruling against it and we act on that belief as if
>> it were true. And it may well be — time will tell.
>> One of Popper's problems was that he did not always distinguish the
>> logical status of an unfalsifiable proposition from the psychological
>> status of a proposition that some people do not wish to disbelieve.
>> Just coming back and *way* behind in posts.
>> But I agree that the problem with logical positivism and in particular
>> Popper’s purported refutation was confusing logical status with the more
>> complicated issues. Popper notes that logical positivism treats laws in a
>> logical form like “All X is Y” so a single counter-example refutes it but a
>> slew of positive examples don’t confirm it.
>> This seems really insightful until you move from the logical form to the
>> question of doing the reduction to the logical form. Then you find that
>> everything is so theory laden that a falsification is no better than a
>> confirmation. So for instance if you had a measurement that the Newton’s
>> law was wrong (ignoring relativity for now) do you say you’re refuted
>> Newton or do you assume there’s an other body out there or something else
>> you’ve missed? Quine gets at this. While Quine has his own problems he does
>> avoid a lot of the oversimplifications of the logical positivists or most
>> of their first generation of critics.
>> Honestly I’ve long thought the Vienna Circle just took a series of
>> missteps by missing several of Peirce’s key insights. (To be fair Peirce
>> just wasn’t well known and most of pragmatism was seen through the lens of
>> James who tended not to follow Peirce’s logic)
>> While the positivists adopt a verification account quite similar to the
>> pragmatic maxim how they use it goes very much against the spirit of it.
>> Albeit in a different direction from how James used it.
>> -----------------------------
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