> On Oct 19, 2015, at 12:20 PM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:
> "To me the big issue were common structures in the environment privileging 
> certain interpretations making either diffusion or common mind unnecessary. 
> (Much like certain structures evolve independently in nature due to the 
> environment)"
> EDWINA: - Agree up to a point. That is, I agree with the 'common structures 
> in the envt privileging certain interpretations'...and diffusion is 
> unnecessary (and often impossible due to continental isolation)...but..I 
> think that 'common mind' is a reality. Otherwise, there could be multipe 
> interpretations. That is, I don't see the human behaviour as entirely 
> dependent on the envt; rather, the human behaviour is based on being logical 
> adaptations to environmental realities. I insert that 'logical adaptation'.  
> So, it is interesting for example to see that populations that were 
> agricultural economies, that relied on irrigation to bring water to crops, 
> developed large populations AND also, some  form of mnemonic memory 
> technology (some form of symbolic script or technique) to keep records. This 
> was not emergent via diffusion (India, China, Egypt, Aztec, Inca)...Also, all 
> developed a hierarchical authority and 'god-kings' infrastructure....

I think it depends upon what we mean by common mind. Clearly there are common 
biological components to the brain which would suggest a common bias to the 
mind. I think psychologists and clinicians in the classic structuralist period 
went well beyond that though. Think Jung for instance. Admittedly a lot of 
psycho-analysis was complete nonsense so that’s not surprising.

But I fully agree we can’t adopt a blank slate myth where all that matters is 
the environment. I should have made that more explicit. I’m skeptical that 
means the sorts of things structuralism dealt with in treating the mind as 
literature were correct.

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