Hello Ben, List,

I was particularly interested in the prospect of making a comparison between 
the hypotheses that we are working with in mathematics and the hypotheses that 
we are working with phenomenology.  There are good reasons to point out, as you 
have, that the hypotheses in phenomenology are based on something that is, in 
some sense prior.  Call them, if you will, particular discernments.

Having searched around a bit, I don't see a large number of places where Peirce 
uses this kind of language when talking about phenomenology.  Having said that, 
here is one:  "Philosophy has three grand divisions. The first is 
Phenomenology, which simply contemplates the Universal Phenomenon and discerns 
its ubiquitous elements...." (CP 5.121)

There are interesting differences between the ways that we arrive at the 
hypotheses that serve as "starting points" for mathematical deduction, and ways 
that we arrive at the hypotheses that are being formulated in phenomenology.  
One reason I retained the language of "starting points" that was in the 
original questions that Peirce asked about mathematics is that hypotheses are, 
at heart, quite closely related to the questions that are guiding inquiry.  We 
normally think of hypotheses as explanations that can serve as possible answers 
to some questions.  In some cases, I think it might be better to think of the 
formulation of the questions were trying to answer as itself a kind of 

We can ask the following kinds of questions about hypotheses in math, 
phenomenology, normative science and the like.  What are we drawing on when we 
formulate these hypotheses?  How should we develop the hypotheses from the 
"stuff" that we are drawing on so that the hypotheses we form will offer the 
greatest promise as we proceed in our inquiries. 

With these kinds of issues in mind, let me rephrase the questions about 
phenomenology so as to respond to the concern you've raised:

1. What are the different kinds of hypotheses that might be fruitful for 
phenomenological inquiry?
2. What are the general characters of these phenomenological hypotheses?
3. Why are not other phenomenological hypotheses possible, and the like?


Jeff Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
(o) 523-8354
From: Benjamin Udell [bud...@nyc.rr.com]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 7:14 AM
To: peirce-l@list.iupui.edu
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Peirce's categories

Jeff, Clark, list,

I needed to look around till I found that you meant "The Logic of Mathematics: 
An Attempt to Develop My Categories from Within," and the three questions posed 
near its beginning. Here's an online version (sans italics, unfortunately)

In an earlier message you wrote,

[Begin quote]
1. What are the different systems of hypotheses from which mathematical 
deduction can set out?
2. What are their general characters?
3. Why are not other hypotheses possible, and the like?

Drawing on Peirce’s way of framing these questions about the starting points 
for mathematical inquiry, I’ve framed an analogous set of questions about 
inquiry in the phenomenological branch of cenoscopic science.  How might the 
normative sciences help us answer the following questions about phenomenology.

1. What are the different systems of hypotheses from which phenomenological 
inquiry can set out?
2. What are the general characters of these phenomenological hypotheses?
3. Why are not other phenomenological hypotheses possible, and the like?
[End quote]

I like that idea. I'm one for trying in an area to apply, in lockstep analogy, 
a proceeding taken from another area.

Yet - pure-mathematical deduction starts out from hypotheses, but does 
phaneroscopic (and, by extension, cenoscopic) analysis start out from 
hypotheses? Off the top of my head, and maybe I'm wrong about this, it seems to 
me that phaneroscopy a.k.a. phenomenology starts out from some sort of 
discernments, noticings, of positive phenomena in general. These discernments 
are not hypothetical suppositions or theoretical expectations. I'm not sure 
what to call the formulation of such a noticing or discernment, in the sense 
that a hypothesis formulates a supposition and a theory formulates expectations.

Still I'll try a revision of the three questions in order to apply them to 
phenomenology by lockstep analogy _mutatis mutandis_.

1. What are the different systems of discernments from which phenomenological 
inquiry can set out?
2. What are the general characters of these phenomenological discernments?
3. Why are not other phenomenological discernments possible, and the like?

Does that make sense? Does it seem at all promising?

Best, Ben

On 10/29/2015 6:14 PM, Jeffrey Brian Downard wrote:

Hi Ben, Clark, List,

I'm working on an essay for the conference on Peirce and mathematics that 
Fernando has organized in Bogota, and the topic is those three questions at the 
start of "The Logic of Mathematics."  In order to provide a coherent 
interpretation of what Peirce is trying to do, my efforts are focused on 
writings from that same time period.  So, I'm drawing on the explanations of 
the relations between the parts of geometry in the last lecture in Reasoning 
and the Logic of Things and the definitions he provides of generation and 
intersection, uniformity and the like in his work on topology in the New 
Elements of Geometry and Elements of Mathematics.  If I am not mistaken, most 
of this of this is from the same basic timeframe (around 1896-1898).

The discussion of the fundamental properties of space in the introduction to 
the latter work was rejected by the editor as being too "philosophical" in 
character.  It looks to me like Peirce is drawing directly from William 
Benjamin Smith's Introductory Modern Geometry of Point, Ray, and Circle.  
Peirce's copy of the text is available through Google Books online.  In the 
annotations in the introduction, Peirce fills in missing words, so we know he 
was reading this section.  It is interesting to compare Smith's account of the 
fundamental properties of space with Peirce's account in the New Elements.  
Here are some features that stand out when making the comparison.  Both are 
explaining how the mathematical conceptions of continuity, uniformity and the 
like are drawn from common experience by a process of abstraction.  In addition 
to refining the explanations of those two properties, Peirce's account lays 
emphasis on the perissad character of the mathematical space that is dra!
 wn from
experience.  Both characterize the introduction of such things as a ray in 
terms of relations between the homoloids in the space.  When one set is taken 
to be dominant, we move from projective to metrical spaces.

The key idea for understanding the character of the hypotheses that lie at the 
bases of both number theory and topology is that Peirce starts with a set of 
precepts that tell us what to do in constructing a figuring and then putting 
the parts into relation with one another.  As the hypotheses are formulated, 
additional precepts are derived that tell us what we are and are not allowed to 
do next.  I wonder:  what lessons can we learn about the relationships that 
hold between math and phenomenology by reflecting on the character of these 
precepts?  In what sense does the analysis of common experience involve 
precepts that govern what we should and shouldn't do by way of making 

Here is a particularly interesting passage (from a different time period) that 
appears to bear on this kind of question:

We have, thus far, supposed that although the selection of instances is not 
exactly regular, yet the precept followed is such that every unit of the lot 
would eventually get drawn. But very often it is impracticable so to draw our 
instances, for the reason that a part of the lot to be sampled is absolutely 
inaccessible to our powers of observation. If we want to know whether it will 
be profitable to open a mine, we sample the ore; but in advance of our mining 
operations, we can obtain only what ore lies near the surface. Then, simple 
induction becomes worthless, and another method must be resorted to. Suppose we 
wish to make an induction regarding a series of events extending from the 
distant past to the distant future; only those events of the series which occur 
within the period of time over which available history extends can be taken as 
instances. Within this period we may find that the events of the class in 
question present some uniform character; yet how do we know bu!
 t this u
niformity was suddenly established a little while before the history commenced, 
or will suddenly break up a little while after it terminates? Now, whether the 
uniformity observed consists (1) in a mere resemblance between all the 
phenomena, or (2) in their consisting of a disorderly mixture of two kinds in a 
certain constant proportion, or (3) in the character of the events being a 
mathematical function of the time of occurrence--in any of these cases we can 
make use of an apagoge from the following probable deduction:... (CP, 2.730)

This provides a really nice example of what it is to observe something like a 
uniformity.  It also provides some sense of how an analysis of the phenomena 
might enable us to sort out--as competing hypotheses--the possibilities 
represented in 1-3.  What is more, the elements provide us with guidance (they 
support the development of the precepts) needed to imagine the kinds of 
experiments that could be run to sort through the competing explanations.  
Stepping back from the particularities of the examples considered in this 
passage, I think we get a nice articulation of how a phenomenological account 
of the categories might supply us with the tools necessary to analyze the 
observations necessary to support, via an abductive argument, a set of 
conclusions in the normative theory of logic about what fair sampling really 
requires under different kinds of conditions.


Jeff Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
(o) 523-8354
From: Benjamin Udell [bud...@nyc.rr.com<mailto:bud...@nyc.rr.com>]
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 1:10 PM
To: peirce-l@list.iupui.edu<mailto:peirce-l@list.iupui.edu>
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Peirce's categories

Jeff D., Clark, list,

I think it's important in this to get the quotes and dates. I recall
Peirce's views as changing, and partly it's his acceptance of changing
terminology. Earlier, he had regarded geometry as mathematically applied
science of space; later he accepted the idea that geometers were not
studying space as it is, but instead studying spaces as hypothetical
objects. Digging those quotes up is another little research project.

Best, Ben

On 10/29/2015 3:20 PM, Jeffrey Brian Downard wrote:

Clark, List,

You ask:  I wonder how we deal with things like quasi-empirical methods in 
mathematics (started I think by Putnam who clearly was influenced by Peirce in 
his approach). Admittedly the empirical isn’t the phenomenological (or at least 
it’s a complex relationship). I’m here thinking of mathematics as practiced in 
the 20th century and less Peirce’s tendency to follow Comte in a fascination 
with taxonomy.

Peirce draws on the distinction between pure and applied mathematics.  When it 
comes to geometry, for instance, only topology is pure mathematics.  Both 
projective geometry and all systems of metrical geometry import notions that 
are not part of pure mathematics, such as the conception of a ray, or a rigid 

When it comes to pure mathematics, he is just as concerned about getting 
straight about the the kinds of observations we can draw on as he is concerned 
about getting straight on this question for the purposes of a pure science of 
cenoscopic inquiry. He makes the following point:

The first is mathematics, which does not undertake to ascertain any matter of 
fact whatever, but merely posits hypotheses, and traces out their consequences. 
It is observational, in so far as it makes constructions in the imagination 
according to abstract precepts, and then observes these imaginary objects, 
finding in them relations of parts not specified in the precept of 
construction. This is truly observation, yet certainly in a very peculiar 
sense; and no other kind of observation would at all answer the purpose of 
mathematics. CP 1.240

So, I wonder, what kind of observation is it when a person observes the 
relations between the parts of the imaginary (or diagrammed) objects and learns 
something about the system that was not evident from the hypotheses and 
abstract precepts that the reasoning took its start?


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