Clark, List,

You ask:  I wonder how we deal with things like quasi-empirical methods in 
mathematics (started I think by Putnam who clearly was influenced by Peirce in 
his approach). Admittedly the empirical isn’t the phenomenological (or at least 
it’s a complex relationship). I’m here thinking of mathematics as practiced in 
the 20th century and less Peirce’s tendency to follow Comte in a fascination 
with taxonomy.

Peirce draws on the distinction between pure and applied mathematics.  When it 
comes to geometry, for instance, only topology is pure mathematics.  Both 
projective geometry and all systems of metrical geometry import notions that 
are not part of pure mathematics, such as the conception of a ray, or a rigid 

When it comes to pure mathematics, he is just as concerned about getting 
straight about the the kinds of observations we can draw on as he is concerned 
about getting straight on this question for the purposes of a pure science of 
cenoscopic inquiry. He makes the following point:  

The first is mathematics, which does not undertake to ascertain any matter of 
fact whatever, but merely posits hypotheses, and traces out their consequences. 
It is observational, in so far as it makes constructions in the imagination 
according to abstract precepts, and then observes these imaginary objects, 
finding in them relations of parts not specified in the precept of 
construction. This is truly observation, yet certainly in a very peculiar 
sense; and no other kind of observation would at all answer the purpose of 
mathematics. CP 1.240 

So, I wonder, what kind of observation is it when a person observes the 
relations between the parts of the imaginary (or diagrammed) objects and learns 
something about the system that was not evident from the hypotheses and 
abstract precepts that the reasoning took its start?


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