> On Dec 3, 2015, at 9:31 AM, g...@gnusystems.ca wrote:
> On the other hand, some semioticians say that all ten of the sign types 
> defined in NDTR, including the Qualisign, are genuine Signs. This flags a 
> possible ambiguity in the concepts of genuine and degenerate; and possibly 
> this problem is related to the concepts of embodiment, just introduced, and 
> of involvement, which is introduced in the next paragraph

I think this gets at exactly the ambiguity that is confusing me in many of 
these discussions of late. It’s also why I ask people to define their terms 
since I think we’re often using Peirce’s terminology or terminology that seems 
obvious but which obscure these subtle ambiguities. While I may be wrong, my 
sense is that it’s precisely upon these subtle issues that our various 
disagreements are located.

All too often I find myself suspicious that we disagree in these more 
fundamental considerations but unsure due to the way the discussions proceed.

I’ve been unable to read the list for about a week and am just catching up. I 
see that the discussion of the above, or at least the terminology of sign, 
continues. I just wanted to point out that in addition to these subtle points 
it seems much of the debate is largely a semantic one over the applicability of 
certain terms. It’s not clear to me yet that we have a substantial difference 
in content.

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