>”I haven’t seen it argued recently except to note that the way to Quantum 
>Mechanics might have been more straightforward if Einstein hadn’t come up with 

Sadly, I suspect that STR/SGR constrains development not only in quantum 
mechanics. It impacts on the science narrative and provides license for all 
sorts of flawed assumptions and unfalsifiable speculation, for example, 
astronomy (e.g., big bang theory, black holes, etc). It’s baggage that the 
sciences don’t need.


From: John Collier [mailto:colli...@ukzn.ac.za] 
Sent: Friday, 8 July 2016 5:10 PM
To: peirce-l@list.iupui.edu
Subject: RE: [PEIRCE-L] RE: [Sadhu Sanga] How to judge what is pseudoscience?


I can’t post to the Sadhu Sanga list (and don’t want to), so I am posting to 


Not the Lorenz transformations alone. They would not give the right result for 
Mercury’s precession. In fact it would be hard to apply them in a non ad hoc 


Something many people don’t know is that STR is incompatible with gravity. It 
was developed to explain electrodynamics. Einstein used a non-empirical 
assumption, that the correct laws of physics should be the same from all frames 
of reference. This gives STR pretty much directly from Maxwell’s equations. But 
gravity doesn’t fit. So he needed a more inclusive theory. There may be other 
ways to make gravity fit (Mach’s Principle was one proposal, but nobody has 
ever been able to figure out how it would work mathematically). 


Some philosophers and historians have argued that Lorenz’ theory of the 
electron gives a better theory than STR. The famous British astronomer, E.T. 
Whittaker argued for Lorenz’ approach as late as 1931, and didn’t eve n mention 
Einstein. I haven’t seen it argued recently except to note that the way to 
Quantum Mechanics might have been more straightforward if Einstein hadn’t come 
up with STR.


John Collier

Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Associate

University of KwaZulu-Natal



From: online_sadhu_sa...@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:online_sadhu_sa...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Stephen Jarosek
Sent: Friday, 08 July 2016 10:24 AM
To: online_sadhu_sa...@googlegroups.com
Subject: [PEIRCE-L] RE: [Sadhu Sanga] How to judge what is pseudoscience?


>”Einstein's work took longer to gain acceptance, and as we have seen, there 
>are hold-outs to this day (100 years later).”

As a non-physicist, I pose the question… might the Lorentz transformations, in 
the absence of the assumptions of relativity theory, be sufficient to account 
for the anomalous precession of Mercury that has been observed? 


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