Clark, List:

I agree; I think that Peirce would have the same distaste for rigid
political ideologies--regardless of where they fall on the spectrum--that
he clearly had for rigid theological dogmas, and for much the same reasons.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 5:13 PM, Clark Goble <> wrote:
> On Nov 28, 2016, at 2:57 PM, Gary Richmond <>
> wrote:
> I prefer to find a value in the 'tension' between bottom-up and top-down
> solutions which Clark hinted at. I'm not at all sure what Peirce's
> preferences would be in this matter.
> As I said Peirce (especially in his mature phase) lived during the rise of
> Bizmarkian progressivism. While that movement suffered from a lack of
> humility in terms of what one could control, it also faced a system with
> little interstate commerce and relatively low technology. The world we live
> in today is simply radically different in terms of how integrated it is.
> Peirce may well offer compelling abstract principles. However I’m far from
> convinced even if we knew his preferences it’d tell us much about how to
> act today. The world changed too much with the inflection point of WWII
> decades after Peirce’s death.
> I think keeping the tension between emergent and top down approaches is
> important. But far more important is being open to data and testing our
> solutions. Neither of which is terribly common among politics or activists
> in particular. There’s lots of confirmation bias and outright dismissal of
> uncomfortable facts by all sides. That much more than privileging causal
> directions seems the problem. Or, to put it in Peirce’s terms, we tend to
> block off inquiry especially when it tends to confirm a preference of the
> political outgroup.
> This keeping open inquiry seems to be the greatest value Peirce offers
> politics and not a popular one (despite a lot of lip service).
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